Asset Summary
Asset | Dry Creek |
Interest | A$0.87/g gold ore milled (effective 0.85% Net Smelter Royalty) |
Commodity | Gold |
Location | Australia |
Stage | Development |
Counterparty | Westgold Resources Ltd. |
Additional Notes | The Royalty was created in 1992 and is a tonnage-based royalty with escalators for gold grade mined and the spot Australian dollar-denominated gold price. The base gold price set in the 1992 royalty agreement was A$435/ounce (A$14/gram). |
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Asset Highlights
- Dry Creek is a near-term producing gold royalty which is part of the 2020/2021 Higginsville Gold Operations (HGO) mine plan.
- Royalty tenements cover 3,366 hectares located 4km to the southeast of the HGO Mill and include the following deposits with resource estimates under CIM standards: Paleochannels, Hidden Secret and Mousehollow.
- High grade exploration results in 2019/2020 drilling campaigns at Hidden Secret and Mousehollow, including visible gold intersections at Hidden Secret.
- Over 17,500 metres (330 holes) drilled at HGO since RNC acquired the operation in June-2019.
- 45,000 – 50,000 metres expected to be drilled by RNC in Western Australia in 2020 (HGO and Beta Hunt).
- Further information can be found at this website: