Asset Summary
Asset | Uley |
Interest | 1.5% Gross Revenue Royalty |
Commodity | Graphite |
Location | Australia |
Stage | Feasibility |
Counterparty | Quantum Graphite Limited |
Asset Highlights
- The Uley Royalty is a fully permitted development stage graphite royalty covering a high-grade coarse flake JORC-compliant resource of 5.0Mt @ 11.5% Total Graphitic Carbon (Measured & Indicated as at June 30, 2019)
- The Uley feasibility study update released in December 2019 covered an 8 year potential operation with annual crusher feed of 500Ktpa targeting production of a graphite concentrate grading 94% TGC at 84% graphitic carbon recovery with ~73% of overall production in the Medium to Extra-Large Flake size fractions
- The Uley Graphite Project is the only permitted graphite development project in Australia (QGL presentation, December 18, 2019), subject only to securing offtake arrangements and project financing
- Further information can be found at this website: